
Misconceptions about "virtue" and its importance in empirical practice

Then how can one achieve absolute certainty? It is essential to master the realm of desire, and the most fundamental aspect of mastering it is "virtue." Without addressing this, one cannot truly resolve the issues of spiritual practice.


Sometimes, significant deficiencies in virtue are easily recognizable. However, there are instances where problems arise even when one thinks they are helping others. These are the issues we need to address. For example, if someone opts out of the course and requests a lecture video. If your practice is detached from phenomena, it's not very serious because detachment from phenomena means not using the attachment mind. This resolves a non-material issue, so it's not very serious. Therefore, we didn't emphasize the prohibition of sending it.



However, when it comes to the Desire Realm Samrddhi, this becomes a severe issue because it involves materiality. Sending it to someone equates to theft, which induces guilt in both parties. Even though this guilt may sometimes remain hidden and others may not notice, any trace of guilt or unease must be remembered: In the Desire Realm Samrddhi, even the slightest unease can turn into a significant threat! You may experience this firsthand. For instance, in the state of realizing the Qi mechanism, if you suddenly recall such an incident where you stole something, the Qi will immediately rush uncontrollably, causing intense pain in a particular organ, such as the head, stomach, or liver. You'll experience a significant reaction, and attempting to resolve it with medication or therapy will be futile.



Therefore, it's crucial to remember that in terms of "virtue," the most significant aspect is peace of mind! This is the key. Your mind must reach a state of profound stability. Even if your actions seem harmless on the surface and don't significantly deviate from virtue, if they fail to provide peace of mind, you must be highly vigilant because severe problems may arise.



So, it's essential to understand that in Daoism, when it comes to the Desire Realm Samrddhi, many concepts shouldn't be casually shared. They aren't freely disseminated, and this applies to Tibetan Buddhism as well—many teachings aren't casually shared.



Furthermore, why is this the case? Because this pertains to the practice of desire realm meditation. However, when it comes to Buddhism, if we solely focus on the aspect of detachment from phenomena, it's not robust. Authentic Buddhism aims to resolve both the issues of detachment from phenomena and attachment to phenomena. Many of us define Buddhism as solely about detachment from phenomena, but this fractures Buddhism—it's not a complete version. A complete Buddhism aims to address both detachment from all phenomena and attachment to all phenomena. If we only focus on detachment from all phenomena, then there are no secrets to be kept; everything can be freely discussed and shared. You can freely distribute lecture videos without any consequences. However, when it comes to the issue of attachment to phenomena, it becomes problematic. We need to be aware of this aspect.



Another point is, if you explain this practice method (of desire realm meditation) to someone without them systematically understanding the related principles of desire realm meditation and they proceed to experiment based on your fragmented explanation without a systematic understanding, it will inevitably lead to problems. When experiments are conducted without a systematic understanding of the principles, it will inevitably lead to problems, and in the end, your good intentions will backfire, and you'll end up harming others.



This is different from when we were learning about detachment from phenomena in Buddhism before. Regarding the aspect of detachment from phenomena, one can speak casually. The worst case will be the students’ incorrectness in their practice If the one sharing Buddhist wisdom makes a mistake, they won't encounter any further problems because it's about detachment from phenomena. However, when it comes to attachment to phenomena, when discussing desire realm meditation, making a mistake is serious; one ends up harming others. Because people will follow the instructions, and when things go wrong, it becomes a severe problem, which is not just an ordinary problem. Therefore, we must be vigilant in terms of virtue. In this aspect, when it comes to disseminating the law, especially when it comes to desire realm meditation, the requirements are different from when we were discussing detachment from phenomena before.



In discussions about practicing detachment from all phenomena, there are no secrets to be kept. However, when it comes to practicing attachment to all phenomena, there are definitely secrets to be kept, and it's not something to be casually discussed. It’s very risky to casually share the concepts to others after only a slight touch of the content. In the practice of desire realm meditation, you must learn to keep silent and never speak casually. Just remember that if one does that, one will bear the consequences in the future because one will end up harming others. So, this is something we need to be mindful of in this aspect.



This is how we view virtue from the perspective of ordinary people.



Secondly, from the perspective of empirical practice, how do we cultivate and understand virtue.



For ordinary people, virtue is simply a virtue in the 3D world. The virtue primarily concerns having peace of mind. Peace of mind is fundamental; without it, significant problems will inevitably arise. However, merely having this foundation is not sufficient to elevate virtue to higher levels. To achieve higher levels of virtue, one must engage in empirical practice. Only after reaching a higher level of practice, one will gain a deeper understanding of virtue.



This process of practice is something we will strive for further in the future. Discussing it now holds little significance. When you reach a certain level of practice, you will understand it intuitively. Many issues cannot be truly understood solely based on ordinary people's comprehension mindset. That's the second point.



In other words, we need to understand virtue from two levels: one is the ordinary level, which is the initial stage of practice and is quite basic. The second is from the empirical practice level, where, upon reaching a certain level, you will have a deeper understanding. What exactly is virtue? What is the virtue at higher levels? These can only be truly grasped after reaching a certain stage of practice.



The empirical practice itself is not difficult. What's most challenging is virtue itself, because genuine practice is about non-practice, genuine learning is about non-learning, and genuine Buddhism is about non-dharma. Taoism also emphasizes the natural way, the way of non-action. To achieve such levels, you must undergo a process of natural non-action. How is this natural non-action attained? Why is it necessary? Only when virtue reaches a profound level, the true tranquility be achieved.



Therefore, regarding this issue, we must correct a misconception: in the practice of desire realm meditation, the most crucial issue is virtue. If this issue is not addressed properly, your efforts will be in vain, and you will never reach a high level, no matter how hard you try to practice it, no matter how diligently you pursue it. It is essential to understand this.



Not only does it lack fundamental significance, but it also fails to reach high levels and can even lead to problems.




A habitual mistake we make is thinking that operations such as observing and controlling the breath while maintaining a standard posture constitute practice.


However, this is just one aspect and not the core aspect. The most crucial and challenging aspect is virtue. So, you must put effort into developing virtue. This aspect is also the easiest to overlook. Why do you overlook it? Because you feel like you can't grasp it, you think talking about it is somewhat abstract. Everyone in society talks about these things, but those spiritual talks are just scratching the surface and aren't detailed enough.



So, addressing the issue of virtue is a task we all need to complete. This task may seem impossible to complete within a few days, but in reality, it encompasses a vast amount of content. You need to think about it in detail, research materials, consult scriptures, and then complete this task. After completing the task, comes the operation, which is easy and something we will discuss in detail later.



Because the practice itself is not particularly difficult, what's most challenging is the issue of "virtue" above. How do you solve this issue? Even if you spend several days thinking and writing, the result you obtain will only scratch the surface; it's just a small understanding. Understanding virtue layer by layer likely requires decades. You don't have that much time; it's impossible. If you can achieve this, you will effortlessly reach a very high level.



(Excerpted from an article published on the WeChat public account "You Are" on June 16, 2023)